Create a sales invoice

When to use this procedure

Use this procedure any time a customer makes a purchase and you need to create an invoice or when you are creating a beginning balance invoice for a customer.

Steps to complete

  1. Complete one of the following to start a new point of sale transaction.
  1. On the Pick Customer window, search for and select a customer. If necessary, create a new customer account.

Note: If you are following an optional method in step 1, skip steps 3 and 4.

  1. If following a preferred method: Review any outstanding account activity on the Outstanding window.
  2. If following a preferred method: Click the Sales Invoice button on the POS button bar. The Sales Invoice window displays.
  3. Verify and update, if necessary, the customer information in the Customer, Ship To, and Bill To boxes.
  4. Verify and update, if necessary, the store and tax information for the sale in the Loc, Tax, and Expt boxes.
  5. Select the employee who will receive credit for the sale in the Empl box. If more than one employee will receive credit, press F6 and create a split sale.
  6. Enter the terms of sale in the Term box.
  7. If necessary, update the date of sale in the Date box.
  8. In the Ref# and PO# boxes, enter or update the invoice number and customer purchase order number.
  9. Scan a barcode or add the item details in the Qty, Sku#/Serial#, Cat, Desc, Price ea, Extended, Discount, and Total boxes. The item is added to the Items Sold grid.
  10. Repeat step 11 as necessary.

At this point you can save the sale or complete any of the optional steps below.

  1. Select Gift Receipt to print a gift receipt for the customer.
  2. Select Suspend Sale to hold the sale until a later time.
  3. Add any notes that apply to the sale as a whole in the Notes box below the Items Sold grid. Press F6 to display the Select Comment window and select a catalog note.
  4. Select an item in the Items Sold grid and click Chg Qty or Chg Sku to change the details of any item.
  5. Select an item in the Items Sold grid and click Delete to remove it from the invoice.
  6. Select an item in the Items Sold grid and click Detail to view its inventory information or Notes to view or update any notes entered for that inventory item.
  7. Click Delivery to assign a delivery or pick-up date, if necessary.
  8. Click FRT Plus to assign shipping information. You must be integrated with Freight+ to complete this step.
  9. Click Back In to change the total price of the sale.
  10. Click Disc to apply a blanket discount to the invoice.
  11. Apply credit (Trade, Cont Crd, Loyal) to the sale.
  12. Click Propsl, Apprv, Order, and/or Susp to bring existing proposals, approvals, orders, or suspended sales forward into the current sale.
  13. Associate a service letter or letters with inventory items.
  14. Change the total in the Collect box to charge some or all of this sale to the customer's account. Press F2 to charge the full amount.

Did you know? You can right-click in the Items Sold grid to display a menu of options applicable to steps 15-26 instead of using the buttons.

Save the sale

  1. Complete one of the following to save the invoice.